Lifeless Forest

Written by Rachel Monteiro

As I walk down the narrow gravel path through this forest, I reminisce. I can almost hear

the rustling of the leaves beneath my feet after each step. The wind blowing through the branches

of the tall trees, swaying them back and forth. Hearing a small chirp from a bird, hidden high up

in the canopy of leaves. Taking deep breaths of the fresh, crisp air as I hike along the winding path.

Beams of light, shimmering down through the leaves, intensifying the brilliant green that surrounds

me. I see two squirrels chasing each other, bouncing from tree to tree, then disappearing up into

the branches rusting the leaves behind them. The aroma of the cedar trees with the subtle floral

scent of the wildflowers that line the path fills my nose. The snap of a branch in the distance and

looking over to find a deer staring back at me then continuing its way through the dense vegetation.

The babbling and sloshing of a nearby creek that is just out of sight. Down through the canopy, a

brilliant yellow butterfly flutters down and lands on a nearby flower to rest for a second. As I

continue on my way, I brush past a tree covered in pillowy moss, and the butterfly flutters past me

and back up toward the sky.

At the end of the path I reach my destination, the control box for the carbon capture trees I

was instructed to turn back on. As I return to reality, a chilling breeze passes, sending shivers

across my back. The metal box creaks as it opens, I then sigh and flip the switch. The green light

flickers on, and the buzzing and whirling begins. A previous lush forest that was abundant with

life, is now a space full of grey, cold, metal machines, trying to replicate the functions of the trees.

It is the year 2102. Natural forests no longer exist on our planet. The spaces where trees

and other vegetation used to grow is either barren wasteland or being used as a site for these

machines. The machines were made to look like a forest instead of a building, attempting to mimic

the look of nature I suppose. But this is no forest. A forest is something that should be bursting

with life. The home for various plants, insects, fungi, and animals. But all of that has disappeared.

These so-called forests are lifeless. All the times I have had to come in here, I have never seen any

signs of life. No greenery, no birds chirping, no rustling of leaves, no squirrels bouncing around,

no delightful or calming scents or sounds, and no butterflies. Although these machines may

replicate the ability of trees to remove carbon from the atmosphere, they certainly do not resemble

trees in any other way.

I take a breath then head back down the gravel path, surrounded by metal and the buzzing

noise of the machines, trying to imagine the flourishing forest that once lived here.


The Unexpected Help

