Provisioning Services


Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth, encompassing the diversity of species, ecosystems, and genetic variations within species. It is crucial for ecosystem resilience, enabling ecosystems to recover from disturbances and adapt to changes. Biodiversity supports ecosystem services such as pollination, pest control, and nutrient cycling, which are essential for food production and ecosystem stability. For example, diverse plant species provide habitat and food for pollinators like bees, which are vital for the pollination of crops.

Stats - There are anywhere from 10 million to 100 million different species currently living on Earth.

High Risk


High Risk 〰️

Boundary - According to the Stockholm Resilience Centre, we have long crossed the planetary boundary on biodiversity.

Cost - Biodiversity provides over $150,000,000 USD annually.


Ecosystem services related to food include crop production, livestock, fisheries, and wild food sources. Natural ecosystems provide fertile soil, clean water, and pollination, which are essential for agricultural productivity. For example, wetlands filter water, reducing the need for artificial irrigation and improving crop yields. Forests and grasslands support livestock grazing, while oceans and rivers provide fish and other seafood. Additionally, wild plants and animals offer supplementary food sources for many communities, contributing to dietary diversity and food security.

Stats - The world produces enough food to feed everyone. The biggest challenge to food insecurity is equitable access.

Increasing Risk


Increasing Risk 〰️

Boundary - Agriculture is a significant contributor to exceeding planetary boundaries. Deforestation and other harmful practices need to be exchanged for more sustainable agriculture. This will require substantial resourcing.

Cost - $2,600,000,000,000 USD to replace food production services of Earth.

Potable Water

Potable water refers to water that is safe to drink and use for cooking. Ecosystems play a vital role in purifying water through processes such as filtration by soil and vegetation, and the dilution and breakdown of pollutants. Forests and wetlands act as natural water filters, removing contaminants and regulating water flow. Clean, potable water is essential for human health, agriculture, and industry. For example, protected watersheds in forested areas provide high-quality drinking water for urban populations, reducing the need for expensive water treatment facilities.

Stats - Humans use 4,600 km^3 of potable water per year.

High Risk


High Risk 〰️

Boundary - We have crossed the planetary boundary on freshwater change, according to the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

Cost - $3,200,000,000,000 USD annually.


Fuel derived from ecosystems includes both traditional biofuels like wood and modern biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel. Forests and agricultural lands are primary sources of biomass, which can be converted into energy. Wood has been used for millennia as a primary source of heating and cooking fuel. More recently, crops like corn and sugarcane have been processed to produce ethanol, a renewable fuel for transportation. Additionally, plant oils can be converted into biodiesel, providing an alternative to fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Stats - We consume 137,000 TWh (terawatt hours) annually: 40,000 TWh from gas, 53,000 TWh from oil, and 45,000 TWh from coal.

High Risk


High Risk 〰️

Boundary - Estimates suggest that if we continue at this rate, there is enough oil and gas to last over 100 years. However, the planet will not sustain us. The harms from fossil fuels are already the primary cause of the climate crisis.

Cost - We cannot replace oil, gas, or coal at any cost. However, sunlight, wind, and other renewable sources are currently freely available.


Ecosystems provide various materials essential for clothing, construction, and other uses. Fibres such as cotton, wool, and hemp are derived from plants and animals, while hides from livestock are processed into leather. Wood from forests is a critical resource for building materials, furniture, paper, and many other products. Sustainable management of these resources ensures their availability for future generations. For instance, responsibly managed forests provide a continuous supply of timber while maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Stats - Global wood production is predicted to grow by over 50% by 2050.

Safe Space


Safe Space 〰️

Boundary - Access to fibre, wood, and hide is not in immediate danger, but production costs for the growing demand of these products are high.

Cost - $1,370,000,000,000 USD.


Biochemicals produced by ecosystems include a wide range of substances used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and industrial processes. Plants, fungi, and microorganisms produce compounds with medicinal properties, such as antibiotics and anti-cancer agents. For example, the Pacific yew tree is the source of paclitaxel, a drug used in cancer treatment. Additionally, natural biochemicals are used in the production of biodegradable plastics, bio-based solvents, and other environmentally friendly products. Biochemicals highlight the importance of preserving biodiversity and natural habitats.

Stats - We produce over 2 billion tons of chemicals, yet only 2% is bio-based.

Increasing Risk


Increasing Risk 〰️

Boundary - Isolating the planetary boundary of biochemicals is challenging. Their existence is not likely at risk of extinction; their availability through sustainable processes is diminishing.

Cost - Unknown.